Monday, August 26, 2019

Late-Life Endeavor

Greetings friends and followers,

I want to personally thank every reader who downloaded Memoirs of the not-so Grim Reaper during my promotion. I was rewarded with a number 1 ranking on Amazon for the promo in its genre – Religious Graphic Novels.

My books have now been read in the following countries I know of:
U.S.A. – Canada – England – Ireland – Scotland – France – Portugal – Spain – Germany – Russia – South Africa – Kenya – Australia – New Zealand – Japan – India – Brazil – The Bahamas – Puerto Rico and Mexico. (No, I never imagined this in my wildest dreams. I was hoping to at least sell 500 copies. I’ve done more than a thousand in one day, and over 500 twice).

I embarked on my attempt at a writing career at the tender young age of 62 in 2016 with a collection of poetry; not an easy task, and one which was a literary disaster. I lost a couple thousand dollars on that venture but learned some very valuable lessons. Those lessons gave birth to “Phantom Scorpio Productions”, my very own little publishing enterprise. And yes, I have been approached by others to publish their books. I’m simply not there yet.

I’ve had more jobs than I can count in my lifetime; often working two at a time and for 4 years I held down 3 jobs – two full and one part-time. I have dreamed of being an author since my dad introduced me to Tarzan and by proxy, Edgar Rice Burroughs.

So, here I am at 65 with two poetry collections, a very unorthodox memoir and two novels in a series about an international assassin and philanthropist who redefines the meaning of love and loyalty to me. Not too shabby…

I do believe I am a decent writer and I don't believe, as of yet, to have penned a literary turd as it were – subject, of course to the contrary opinions of some readers who slaughtered Memoirs in their reviews. What I did not anticipate was a writer is as good as his readers believe him to be. It’s gratifying, humbling and stressful all at once. My writing has been compared on more than one occasion to James Patterson, Ted Dekker, Lee Cobb and his “Jack Reacher”. One reader called Memoirs brilliant. Another called it a waste of time. It’s the polarizing effect Memoirs seems to have – which is good. It was part of my plan.

Evolution of a Killer has received all 5-star ratings on Amazon, though not many. It’s doing very well with the GoodReads nation at a 4+ rating. I don’t take the negative reviews very seriously as they have nothing to do with my writing – only the content and only with Memoirs, which makes me happy. I wrote it knowing some would choose to take offense and they have. Makes me happy to see the negative comments since it is a large portion of my motivation for writing it.

I don’t know how many Lazarus Chronicles I have in me, so I am working on the third. You will know when I run out of ideas – Lazarus will die. I never foresaw a happy ending for my killer companion when I created him/me.

Thank you, reader for taking time from your life to allow me to share some of myself with you. It truly is an honor and a privilege. I’d heard writers and actors say that in the past; now I understand what they meant.

“One Witness; A Lazarus Solaris Thriller” has been on the back burner for several months as life has happened again and again. Please don’t give up on me. I haven’t quit – it isn’t in me.

Happy Reading – write some author a nice review today.

Robert Ullrich

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Book Review: This Darkness Light, by Michaelbrent Collins

This Darkness LightThis Darkness Light by Michaelbrent Collings

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is sometimes nigh impossible to review a novel like "This Darkness Light" without sounding like you're getting paid to review it, which I was not. This was the first and latest novel by Mb Collings I've read. June of 2018 was the first, just finished the second. Yes - it's that good.

Several have gone into detail concerning the plot and characters, so I won't repeat those insights. I read This Darkness Light the second time because the first left me mentally shell-shocked. I was new to Mr. Collings as a reader. My intro to him was via Fivver and a search for a cover for my first novel. Mb won the competition, so I decided by way of gratitude I would give a couple of his books a read.

Damn good call on my part. The prose in this particular novel is a well-woven as the plot. The characters well-defined in a manner rarely matched. Good vs. evil. Unsung heroes and heroines. Unlikely alliances and unexpected turns.

The first novel I read twice was The Lord of the Rings at the age of 15. I can count on one hand the books I love enough to read time and again. I have now added This Darkness Light and Mr. Collings along side of works by Tolkien, Stephen King, Anne Rice, James Clavell, Alexander Dumas and T. H. H. White which I will never tire of re-reading.

If you've read other works by MC, you'll want to add this one. If you've never read anything by this author - this is the perfect place to start.

View all my reviews

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