Saturday, February 22, 2020


Life Happens
Status Update

February 22, 2020

Let me begin with an acknowledgment it’s been far too long. I will endeavor to explain.

The year 2019 proved to be a very taxing year, physically and financially. It limited the time for writing, which I know has cost me momentum and possibly a larger readership. Be that as it may, I have encountered a health set-back which has negated my ability to work outside the home, at lease for the foreseeable future. It hasn’t affected my hands yet, though in time it most likely will, making typing impossible.
I won’t go into details, for two reasons.
1) I’ve been misdiagnosed for two conditions which were not pleasant experiences, let alone inexpensive.
2) It’s still something I am coming to terms with. There is little disagreement among the doctors and neurologists something is drastically wrong with my physiology. They have been unable to come up with a cause for the symptoms and are in the process of ruling out several somewhat common diseases. I have been informed it’s not: psychological and it isn’t cancer ( as far as they can see.)
There are several possibilities yet to be determined. The most significant candidates are MS, diabetes, “White Matter Disease”,  an internal Lupus flare up. The last neurologist diagnosed the condition as possibly Ataxia.
The medical doctors have already determined I have polyneuropathy, AKA peripheral neuropathy, vertigo and extensive muscle weakness coupled with motor-skills and swallowing. Sadly, it appears my dancing days are over. I love to dance and will miss it for a time.
It has also rendered me incapable of working due to trips and falling, coupled with the fact I need one or two canes to be mobile. 
On the bright side, I’m getting more writing time, which should make one young lady in California happier – though I still write too slow. I also have time to do more woodcarving, staff making and painting, something I wandered away from 50 years ago.
I’m still on target for an April 15th release, so save me a couple of your tax dollars.
I have revamped the cover for Family Matters to better connect it to the first in the series, Evolution of a Killer. All future books in the series will be linked by title as well.

Time to get to writing. I just wanted to update the few of you who actually take the time to read my blog.
It is greatly appreciated.
Robert U.
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