Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Transparent President -

As I was heading out the door to work, I heard the following - not a direct quote, but the gist of it - from President Trump in a news conference.

"I am very transparent. I believe you would all agree with me that I am probably the most transparent president ever."

A real WTF moment for me. Transparent? Most transparent of all presidents? It was all I could do to keep going to work.

Here's how transparent Trump is.

Refuses to disclose tax returns
Refuses to turn over any financial records
Has private conversations with Russia's Putin and doesn't even have a translator in the room
Paid to cover up affairs with two women
Is constantly telling the people "I don't want to tip my hand."
Is sending a military build-up against Iran, claiming he knows more than our intelligence community

Hell's bells, I am just going to stop there. The thousands of confirmed lies he has told us, not withstanding. 

Trump sees the presidency as the pathway to authoritarianism and totalitarian rule. He has plenty of time for North Korea, who is launching missiles - a very blatant threat, but has no time for Iran, and seems obsessed with goading them into an armed conflict.

And yet, I hear "Trump is amazing", Trump is doing a great job", "Trump is making America great again."

Tell that to our farmers and small manufacturers. Tell that to our dairy farmers in Wisconsin who are going bankrupt. Tell that to the pork producers who are loosing millions of dollars in revenue which used to come from China. Tell that to the automotive industry - as you pay more for your vehicles. And remember - a Tariff is paid by the purchaser of goods, not the seller. The billions of dollars Trump claims he is getting from China is a total fabrication. Just like the promise Mexico would pay for the wall. WE are paying for the "wall" and beefed up military presence. You and me. Corporate America got that big fat tax-cut, so we are paying a larger share of the tax burden as middle class and blue collar workers. Even those in the higher tax brackets are paying more of the bill.

"And the band plays on...."  

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