ReceRecently, a family member called me out over a comment I made on Facebook. I used the phrase, "LOCK HIM UP!" in reference to President Trump, who I call "The Commander in Tweet".
He attempted to use the oath I took when joining the Air Force as a weapon. In essence, I was breaking my vow and not supporting the Constitution by criticizing Trump.
This same family member spent 8 years insulting and not supporting President Obama.
Forget the hypocrisy. My point is, the Constitution was written to protect the citizens of our country FROM the government. My oath was to protect America from all threats, foreign and domestic. The constitution protects my right to freedom of speech and criticism of my country and its leaders without fear of retribution.
Retribution from the government, but obviously, not from its citizens.
He attempted to use the oath I took when joining the Air Force as a weapon. In essence, I was breaking my vow and not supporting the Constitution by criticizing Trump.
This same family member spent 8 years insulting and not supporting President Obama.
Forget the hypocrisy. My point is, the Constitution was written to protect the citizens of our country FROM the government. My oath was to protect America from all threats, foreign and domestic. The constitution protects my right to freedom of speech and criticism of my country and its leaders without fear of retribution.
Retribution from the government, but obviously, not from its citizens.